
This project delivers a script, abimap. This is my first project in python, so feel free to point out ways to improve it.

The sub-commands update and new expect a list of symbols given in stdin. The list of symbols are words separated by non-alphanumeric characters (matches with the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_]+). For example:

symbol, another, one_more



are valid inputs.

The last sub-command, check, expects only the path to the map file to be checked.


$ abimap update < symbols_list

or (setting an output):

$ abimap update -o < symbols_list


$ cat symbols_list | abimap update -o

or (to create a new map):

$ cat symbols_list | abimap new -r lib_example_1_0_0 -o

or (to check the content of a existing map):

$ abimap check

or (to check the current version):

$ abimap version

Long version

Running abimap -h will give:

usage: abimap [-h] {update,new,check,version} ...

Helper tools for linker version script maintenance

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

                        These subcommands have their own set of options
    update              Update the map file
    new                 Create a new map file
    check               Check the map file
    version             Print version

Call a subcommand passing '-h' to see its specific options

Call a subcommand passing ‘-h’ to see its specific options There are four subcommands, update, new, check, and version

Running abimap update -h will give:

usage: abimap update [-h] [-o OUT] [-i INPUT] [-d]
                     [--verbosity {quiet,error,warning,info,debug} | --quiet | --debug]
                     [-l LOGFILE] [-n NAME] [-v VERSION] [-r RELEASE]
                     [--no_guess] [--allow-abi-break] [-f] [-a | --remove]

positional arguments:
  file                  The map file being updated

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT     Output file (defaults to stdout)
  -i INPUT, --in INPUT  Read from this file instead of stdio
  -d, --dry             Do everything, but do not modify the files
  --verbosity {quiet,error,warning,info,debug}
                        Set the program verbosity
  --quiet               Makes the program quiet
  --debug               Makes the program print debug info
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        Log to this file
  -n NAME, --name NAME  The name of the library (e.g. libx)
  -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                        The release version (e.g. 1_0_0 or 1.0.0)
  -r RELEASE, --release RELEASE
                        The full name of the release to be used (e.g.
  --no_guess            Disable next release name guessing
  --allow-abi-break     Allow removing symbols, and to break ABI
  -f, --final           Mark the modified release as final, preventing later
  -a, --add             Adds the symbols to the map file.
  --remove              Remove the symbols from the map file. This breaks the

A list of symbols is expected as the input. If a file is provided with '-i',
the symbols are read from the given file. Otherwise the symbols are read from

Running abimap new -h will give:

usage: abimap new [-h] [-o OUT] [-i INPUT] [-d]
                  [--verbosity {quiet,error,warning,info,debug} | --quiet | --debug]
                  [-l LOGFILE] [-n NAME] [-v VERSION] [-r RELEASE]
                  [--no_guess] [-f]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT     Output file (defaults to stdout)
  -i INPUT, --in INPUT  Read from this file instead of stdio
  -d, --dry             Do everything, but do not modify the files
  --verbosity {quiet,error,warning,info,debug}
                        Set the program verbosity
  --quiet               Makes the program quiet
  --debug               Makes the program print debug info
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        Log to this file
  -n NAME, --name NAME  The name of the library (e.g. libx)
  -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                        The release version (e.g. 1_0_0 or 1.0.0)
  -r RELEASE, --release RELEASE
                        The full name of the release to be used (e.g.
  --no_guess            Disable next release name guessing
  -f, --final           Mark the new release as final, preventing later

A list of symbols is expected as the input. If a file is provided with '-i',
the symbols are read from the given file. Otherwise the symbols are read from

Running abimap check -h will give:

usage: abimap check [-h]
                    [--verbosity {quiet,error,warning,info,debug} | --quiet | --debug]
                    [-l LOGFILE]

positional arguments:
  file                  The map file to be checked

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbosity {quiet,error,warning,info,debug}
                        Set the program verbosity
  --quiet               Makes the program quiet
  --debug               Makes the program print debug info
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
                        Log to this file

Running abimap version -h will give:

usage: abimap version [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Import as a library:

To use abimap in a project as a library:

from abimap import symver